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Ontario Helping Keep Workers Safe on the Job

Category | Ministry of Labour Ontario    Posted by SafetyON | January 23, 2017
Province Supporting Innovative Projects to Reduce Workplace Injuries and Illnesses Ontario is helping to enhance the wellbeing of workers across the province by supporting projects that will help employees stay healthy and safe at work. The province will provide support to organizations creating innovative solutions to health and safety issues in today's changing workplace through its annual Occupational Health, Safety and Prevention Innovation Program (OHSPIP). This year, the supports will focus…

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New Changes in Place to Improve the Health and Safety of Workers in Mines

Category | Ministry of Labour Ontario    Posted by SafetyON | January 16, 2017
Ontario is reminding employers in the province's mining industry that, as of January 1, 2017, new requirements are in place to improve the health and safety of workers in mines. These requirements include: Assessing and managing the risks of hazards and potential hazards that may arise in the mining industry, and developing and maintaining written measures to control the risks of those hazards in the workplace Developing and maintaining a written water management program that includes measures and…

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Workplace Injuries and Fatalities - Ontario Ministry of Labour

Category | Ministry of Labour Ontario    Posted by SafetyON | December 29, 2016
It is bad when a worker gets injured, even if it is ever so slightly. That alone might mean a few minutes of downtime, which can turn out to be crucial when you are on a tight schedule. A more significant injury means the loss of more time and a major injury might mean you lose days and weeks altogether if you cannot replace your employee at such a short notice. Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), an employer is mandated to provide a safe working environment for your workers. If…

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