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Canada Health and Safety Regulations
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Canada Health and Safety Regulations

As an employer, it is your legal responsibility to provide a safe working environment for all your workers. The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations is a relatively detailed document covering everything from the building to materials handling and hazard prevention.

The Industrial Establishments, R.R.O. 1990, Reg 851 outlines standards for doors, floors, clearances, wall openings, vats, pits, open bins, stairways, ramps, ladders, loading docks, guardrails, and temporary heating, as well as maintenance/housekeeping. Also, it also refers to temporary structures like scaffolding and safety nets. It also mentions periodic inspections, testing, cleaning, maintenance, and operation of HVAC systems.

It further makes a note of elevating devices (use and operation, inspections, repairs, and maintenance), boilers / pressure vessels, and even lighting (the document tells you how to measure the average levels of lighting, and the minimum amount of lighting required for each work area). Sound, electrical safety, and sanitation are also given attention to. Other areas include hazardous substances, machinery, protective equipment to be worn, first aid, and even prevention of violence at the workplace. Emergency evacuation, fire drills, safe assembly points, and so on are explicitly mentioned in detail.

At SafetyON, we understand that you want to focus on your business. We can take care of all the health and safety concerns so that you can focus on the business operations, and remain compliant with the Ministry of Labour.

Canadian Registered Safety Professionals (CRSPs)

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